
اهم الاسئلة التى يتم طرحها فى مقابلة معلمى اللغة الانجليزية للمدارس الخاصة و الدولية داخل مصر وخارجها

اهم الاسئلة التى يتم طرحها فى مقابلة معلمى اللغة الانجليزية للمدارس الخاصة و الدولية داخل مصر وخارجها

    اهم الاسئلة التى يتم طرحها فى مقابلة معلمى اللغة الانجليزية للمدارس الخاصة و الدولية داخل مصر وخارجها

    بناء علي الاسئله اللي وصلت لينا عن اهم الاسئله والاجابات النموذجية الخاصه بمقابلات المدارس الدوليه والمراكز التعلميه..
    اهم الاسئلة التى يتم طرحها فى مقابلة معلمى اللغة الانجليزية للمدارس الخاصة و الدولية داخل مصر وخارجها
    1- What's your name, age, location?
    My name is ……I'm … years old . I live in ……….
    2- When have you been graduated?
    I have been graduated in 2007
    3- What was your accumulative grade? Very good
    4- From which University? ………. University
    5- When did you start working? I started on October 2007
    6- What was your first school? , which grades did you teach?
    I started working at …. School .I taught the second and the fifth grade.
    7- Have you taught any American curriculums before? Name them?
    Yes, I have already taught many. For example I taught (Jump Aboard , Way Ahead , English Zone , wonders …etc)

    8- Which accent do you master American or British? And why
    I master American accent because I like American movies , songs and pronunciation.
    9- How long have you been teaching English? I have been teaching English for seven years.
    10- Do you love teaching English and why?
    Yes. Of course I love it so much because it helps students to identify new cultures and use a well known language.
    11- What were the difficulties you have ever faced? How could you overcome them?
    Frankly I have met many difficulties in teaching but I'll mention some of them. At first I couldn’t speak English very well so I used a pronouncing dictionary , watched English movies and practised speaking a lot.
    12- What was the greatest achievement you have ever accomplished in your teaching experience?
    I think travelling and working abroad and getting some English courses in teaching.
    13- What are the main points you take into your consideration when you plan a new lesson?
    Students' levels , attitudes , time division , putting clear specific aims and putting a suitable assessment
    14- What are the kinds of learners?
    1- Auditory 2- visual 3- kinesthetic حركى
    15- How could you divide your learners inside the classroom?
    1- Individuals 2- peer work 3- group work
    16- What methods of teaching do you use?
    1- Communicative approach 2- audio lingual 3- total physical response
    17- How can you arouse your students' enthusiasm?
    By using different activities according to the three types of learners (visual , auditory and kinesthetic). Also praising good students and creating a competitive environment very helpful.
    18- How can you deal with shy students?
    To involve them in free practice activities and praise their work. Also accept their errors at first and not to correct immediately or let their classmates do. To put at least one of those students in each group.
    19- How can you deal with a talkative student?
    To isolate this student away of the nearest students he talks to them and involves him in reading and speaking a activities and also share in the morning broadcast.
    20- How can you deal with an aggressive student?
    Aggressive students are two kinds. The first kind has social or psychological problems. The second kind has excessive energy. The first type I'll consult the social worker or the psychologist and try to help him. The second kind I'll involve him in some kinesthetic activities like acting roles or doing some action verbs. Also I'll tell his parents to allow him practice sport. Both of the two kinds should be informed that It's a bad behavior to quarrel with your classmates and it’s forbidden to harm each others as Muslims.
    21- If you saw a student stealing his classmate's tools. What would you do?
    At first I'll look at him until I make sure that he saw me. Then I'll go and I wont talk to him. If he repeated it again ill talk to him individually and tell him that it's a bad behavior and Allah hates those who steals. Then tell the psychologist and the sociologist at school to check this students and follow. We can summon his father to know what led his son to steal .
    22- What features do you have that can make us choose you and leave other applicants?
    I'm self confident. I have some distinctive courses. My accent is very good.

    23- How can you help our school to be better in English?
    I have many creative ideas from my previous experience that will help your school like using new strategies in teaching ,initiating annual English fair for students' works and English courses for students' parents.
    24- How can you teach new vocabulary?
    a- Pointing : The teacher shows students illustrations , flashcards , posters, Power Point presentations or google images and points to the items he wishes to teach.
    b- Substitution : the teacher uses it usually with abstracts or anything that is not real like using Synonyms and Antonyms.
    c- Naming : This technique is similar to substitution, but in this case, you set a scene or situation and then substitute it with a new word or phrase.
    d- Miming and Total Physical Response : This technique works great with kinesthetic learners, namely those who learn best by moving their bodies.
    e- Realia : The use of realia, or real-life objects in the classroom can make a huge difference in students' learning.we can use (Maps,Tea sets, dishes, and utensils,Clothes,Toy planes, trains, cars, animals, Family photos,furniture, etc…)

    25- How do you teach new structure?
    I think there are many approaches to teach grammar
    a- The inductive approach – the rule-discovery path is the best a pproach to teach grammar
    b- Functional-notional Approach
    c- Teaching Grammar in Situational Contexts - Using a generative situation
    d- Teaching Grammar through texts
    e- Teaching Grammar through stories
    f- Teaching grammar through songs and rhymes

    26- How do you teach listening, speaking, reading and writing?
    A- Teaching listening: It involves what we call listen and respond like:
    1) Listen and complete –The Ss listen and use the information to complete a picture, a map, a diagram.
    2) Listen and correct- The Ss listen to a text, which contains a number of factual mistakes.
    3) Listen and do – The Ss listen to e series of instructions or actions and do them as they hear them. /Ex. Simon says, Polite robots, Your nose is a pencil –some of these games were demonstrated.)
    4) Listen and draw – The Ss listen to a description of a person, a place or an object and draw it as they listen. /Draw a tree, draw a box under the tree, draw a cat in the box, ect./
    5) Listen and guess – The Ss listen to a description of a person, a place, an object and try to guess who or what it is? /Ex. I’m thing of a person. The Ss ask questions-Is it a boy or a girl? Has he got black hair? What colour are his/her eyes?
    6) Listen and match – The Ss listen to a description and match it to people, pictures, objects, places.
    B- Teaching reading: Reading involves various sub-skills similar to the ones in listening:
    • reading for detail (intensive reading)
    • reading for gist (skimming)
    • reading for special information (scanning)
    • predicting content
    • inferring meaning from content and context
    the techniques we use are:
    1) Read and complete – The Ss read a text and use the information to complete a list, a table, a chart or a picture.
    2) Read and correct – The Ss correct mistakes in a text.
    3) Read and draw – the Ss read a text and draw what is described.
    4) Read and guess – the Ss read a text and guess what is described./Some riddles were read/
    5) Read and match – The Ss match the information in a text with other reading texts or pictures.
    6) Read and reorder – The Ss read a text in muddled order and number the sentences or paragraphs in the correct order. Or they physically reorder sentences on separate stripes of paper.
    7) Read and sort –Two texts mixed together. The Ss have to sort them out.
    C- Speaking – The aim is to achieve oral communication that means to be able to convey messages
    the techniques we use are:
    1) Ask and answer – Learners ask and answer questions.
    /Ex. With a ball/
    2) Describe and draw – In pairs. Learner A has a picture, which learner B cannot see. Learner A describes the picture to the partner and learner B draws it.
    3) Discussion – Ls work in pairs or groups to find out each other’s ideas or opinions on a topic.
    4) Guessing – The teacher, or some of the learners, have information which the others have to guess by asking questions.
    5) Remembering – Ls close their eyes and try to remember, for example, items from a picture or the location of objects in the classroom.
    6) Miming- A learner mimes, for example, a feeling or action which the others have to identify.
    7) Ordering – Ls arrange themselves in a particular order (for example alphabetical) by asking questions until they find their correct position.
    8) Completing a form/questionnaire – Ls ask and answer questions, or provide information, in order to complete a form or questionnaire.
    9) Pole play – Ls act out an imaginary situation. They either use a dialogue, or the teacher gives them instructions about what to say.
    D: Writing includes so many other elements such as handwriting, spelling, syntax, grammar, paragraphing, ideas, etc. The three main stages of the activities are:
    • Lead-in –This introduces the Ls to the topic and focuses their attention. It helps them to start thinking about the topic and to practice some of the language they will be needed.
    • Organizing texts – This stage provides controlled writing practice in preparation for a free writing task.
    • Creating texts –This stage gives the Ls the opportunity to use the knowledge they have acquired in the previous two stages in producing their own text. The T provides a context and a reason for writing.
    • the techniques we use are:
    • 1) Completion – The Ls fill in the blanks in a text or a crossword puzzle with an appropriate word or phrase.
    • 2) Describing a picture – The Ls write a description of a picture.
    • 3) Joining – The Ls join words or sentences using a linking word, such as “and” or “but”.
    • 4) Matching – The Ls have to match the two separate halves of sentences which are written in the form of two lists.
    • 5) Reordering – Sentences or texts are given to the Ls in muddled order and they have to rearrange them in the correct order.
    • Creating texts techniques:
    • 6) Writing from a picture – The Ls use a picture as a starting-off point for creating a text.
    • 7) Responding to a text –The Ls are given a text to read before they write, for example, a poem or a letter. The text acts as a source of inspiration.
    • 8) Survey and report – Here a writing text is proceded by a speaking task, in which the Ls have to gather information from each other and use it to write a report.
    • 9) Visualization – The Ls close their eyes and visualize a scene which the T. describes to them. They then write about the scene they have imagined.

    27- What would you do if a student insulted you?
    I'll tell him that this is a bad behavior he should do and it's prohibited to insult each others in Islam. Then I'll try to check why does this student did so to prevent him repeating it again.
    28- If a student told you that he doesn't like to learn or he hates English what would you do?
    I'll explain how it is important to learn English. Then I'll involve him in different activities using games and songs to make the teaching enjoyable.
    29- What was the last book you read in grammar, methodology?
    In Grammar (practical English Grammar) while in methodology (TKT )
    30- What teaching aids do you use? Which of them do you make?
    I use realia , wall charts , PowerPoint slides flashcards , internet songs and pictures and others. I just make wall charts , power point slides and sometimes flash cards.
    31- How should a teacher be?
    A teacher should be ( a father , honest , reliable , clean , neat , knowledgeable , challenging, creative, enthusiastic , facilitator, interested , caring, calm , good listener , good speaker, fair, friendly , humorous , stimulating)
    32- What is meant by realia?
    To use real object to present a new vocabulary like furniture in the class , food , fruit , ..etc.
    33- What is meant by brain storming?
    Brainstorming is an activity used to generate ideas in small groups. The purpose is to generate as many ideas as possible within a specified time-period. These ideas are not evaluated until the end and a wide range of ideas is often produced. Each idea produced does not need to be usable. Instead, initial ideas can be be viewed as a starting point for more workable ideas. The principle of brainstorming is that you need lots of ideas to get good ideas.
    34- What is meant by (icebreakers)?
    1- They are some questions that are asked at the beginning of the first lecture .Icebreakers can play an important role in helping young people integrate and connect with one another in a group environment. Icebreakers can also enhance your teaching by helping to stimulate cooperation and participation. They can provide positive momentum for small group study and discussion.

    إذا كنت معلماً مبدعً متمكنً من مادتك لا تحرم جمهورك وجمهورنا والطلبة وأولياء امورهم من ابدعاتك ومراجعاتك وامتحاناتك ومذكراتك وتوقعاتك وموادك التعليمية ووسائل تعليمية صممتها شاركنا اعمالك الخير يعم البلاد وترضى رب العباد وزكاة العلم نشره راسلنا وارسل لنا ما فى جعبتك وننشره للناس تكون لك صدقة جارية منتظرين ابداعاتكم على احر من الجمر سواء فى تعليقات هنا على المدونة او على صفحاتنا التى نمدكم بروابطها فى اسفل الصورة
    إذا كنت معلماً مبدعً متمكنً من مادتك لا تحرم جمهورك وجمهورنا والطلبة وأولياء امورهم من ابدعاتك ومراجعاتك وامتحاناتك ومذكراتك وتوقعاتك وموادك التعليمية ووسائل تعليمية صممتها شاركنا اعمالك الخير يعم البلاد وترضى رب العباد وزكاة العلم نشره راسلنا وارسل لنا ما فى جعبتك وننشره للناس تكون لك صدقة جارية منتظرين ابداعاتكم على احر من الجمر سواء فى تعليقات هنا على المدونة او على صفحاتنا التى نمدكم بروابطها فى اسفل الصورة  

      نحن سعداء بتشريفك لموقعنا ... فأهلاً بك عطْراً فوَّاحاً ينثرُ شذاه في كلِّ الأَرجاء ...أهلاً بك قلماً راقياً وفكراً واعياً نشتاقُ اليه ... اهلاً بكم نجوماً في سماءنا
    أن سررت بموقعنا فأخبر من تحب ... وإن لم تسر بموقعنا فأخبرنا نحن

    واخيرا لا تنسونا من خالص دعائكم 

    للمزيد من المذكرات واساليب التربية والمناهج والخطط والدروس والشرح والاختبارات والكورسات والوظائف وكل اخبار التعليم 
    زورونا على صفحتنا الرئيسية على الفيس بوك 

    صفحة مذكرات تعليمية على الفيس 

    جروب مذكرات تعليمية على الفيس
    صفحة مذكرات تعليمية على تويتر
    قناة مذكرات تعليمية على اليوتيوب
    جوجل بلاس

    يذكر اننا سنقدم كل يوم على صفحتكم المفضلة على الفيس بوك صفحة مذكرات تعليمية ان شاء الله سنقدم لكم بث فيديو مباشر على الصفحة ويشرح فيه المواد المختلفة افضل معلمين مصر واشهرهم لمن يريد درس خصوصى مجانى على الصفحة ببلاش لتخفيف عناء اولياء الامور للمواد المختلفة والدروس الخصوصية غالية الثمن سنقدم لهم خدمة مجانية درس خصوصى مجانى على صفحة مذكرات تعليمية ان شاء يوميا لجميع المواد من الحضانة KG1 حتى الصف الثالث الثانوي وسيقوم في البث المباشر المعلم بشرح الدروس كل اسبوع حصتين واثناء الشرح يدخل الطالب او ولى امره على الصفحة ويسأل المعلم اثناء الشرح المباشر يساله فى التعليقات والاستاذ يرد عليه فى البث المباشر فى الحال وبذلك يكون بث مباشر فيديو صوت وصورة مباشر وتحدث المعلم والمعلم يرد عليك فى الحال كله مجانى وسيتم تجميع تجميع فديوهات المادة الواحدة او الحلقات التابعة للمادة الواحدة فى سلسلة متابعة على اليوتيوب ليسهل الرجوع اليها فى حالة لم تحضر حصة او حلقة كأرشيف للمادة تابعونا على الصفحة التى لينكها اسفل الصورة قبل لينك التحميل وعلى من يرغب من المعلمين الرجاء ارسال البيانات الاتية :
    الاسم والتليفون والمادة واليوم واليومين وساعة البث التى سيدأ البث فيها من الاسبوع وهو بث مباشر من الفيس بوك حيث توجد ايكونة فى مكان النشر الذى تكتب فيه الكلام الذى تنشره على الصفحة فيه ايكونة البث حمراء مكتوب عليها بث مباشر او live من المحمول او من لاب شرط ان تكون له كاميرا امامية ومسطب عليه او منزل 

    عليه احدث اصدار من الفيس بوك كا تطبيق على المحمول او على اللاب 
    أحبابي لو وجدتم ضالتكم في هذة المدونة  فلا تترددوا في نشر هذة التدوينة والمدونة ولو اردتم اى شئ تبغوني انزله لكم على هذة التدوينة يمكنكم ان تجدونا في هذة المواقع للتواصل الاجتماعي والمراسلة لنا واطلبوا ما تحبوا او تريدوا منا ونحن ان شاء الله سوف نقدمه لكم مجانا لا نريد منكم جزاءا ولا شكورا ولكن نريد منكم دعواتكم بظهر الغيب حيث قرأت ان الدعوة بظهرة الغيب لأحد تعزه مستجابة فعليكم بالدعاء لنا ونشر ومشاركة وتشيير ما ننشره لكم ولو انك ليس بحاجة الى اى منشور انشره لله كعمل خير وكالدال على الخير له جزاءه مثل من قام به على قدر الناس التي ستستفاد من نشرك ولك ان تتخيل مدى وعدد كم من الناس سوف تستفاد من نشرك لهذة المواد التعليمية والمنشورات التي ننشرها على مذكرات تعليمية سترى ملايين من الحسنات تأتيك من حيث لا تدري بنشرك لروابطنا.
    إذا ارد ان تجدنا او تطلب شئ نحن فى الخدمة هنا فى :

    1 - مدونة مذكرات تعليمية
    2 - صفحة مذكرات تعليمية على الفيس بوك
    3 - جروب مذكرات تعليمية على الفيس بوك

    4 - جروب مذكرات تعليمية الاحتياطي على الفيس بوك
    6 - حسابي الشخصي على الفيس بوك مصراوي حر 
    7 - حسابي الشخصي على الفيس محمد على
    8 - مذكرات تعليمية على تويتر 
    9 - قناة مذكرات تعليمية على اليوتيوب
    10 - حسابنا على جوجل بلاس

    إرسال تعليق