
Forex Trading Education

Forex Trading Education
    One of the most important things a trader can do is get a trading education.  You can look at charts for weeks on end but if you do get a trading education you will soon be washed up as a trader.
    Doctors and Lawyers get an education in their respective fields and they can go on to make alot of money.  People that want to be professional traders need to get a trading education on how the markets work.  Then they can go on to make more than any other profession.  With out knowledge of the financial markets how can you expect to make alot of money?
    How would you like a lawyer defending you when he went to art school.  How wounld you like a doctor operating on you when he went to school to be an account.  Lets say you want to trade for someone and you don’t even know what a trend is or a gap in the market or what time the news will be anouncements, or how much of the account that should be traded at one time.  How can you expect to make money for your client.  You need a trading education to make it as a trader.
    A person needs a medical, a legal or a trading eduction to be successful in their chosen field.
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